Madness or EnlightenmentMany people are diagnosed insane because they can see and hear what other people cannot. Maybe what they perceive is true but unknown to…Aug 27, 2021Aug 27, 2021
SymbolsEvery religion has its own symbols. These are holy to the followers of that religion, but people of other religions may not believe these…Aug 27, 2021Aug 27, 2021
KARMA YOGAIn KARMA YOGA we work with the MANTRA. The concentration is upon the work just like in meditation. The work done should be of use to…Aug 26, 2021Aug 26, 2021
DHYANA YOGAFor this we sit in a comfortable posture in a clean and tidy room. We then close our eyes and concentrate on the third eye zone. We try to…Aug 26, 2021Aug 26, 2021
THE AGHORI SECTThe AGORI sect of hermits lives in the cremation grounds. This is to face so many burning corpses so that no fear of death remains. Death…Aug 12, 2021Aug 12, 2021
MARTIAL ARTS VOID EXERCISEIn this exercise we imagine a black colored opponent. We then spar with the opponent and hit the imaginary opponent in exercise. You…Jan 20, 2021Jan 20, 2021
TANTRA AWARENESS EXERCISEIn this exercise we sit comfortably with eyes closed in meditation posture. We then remember all the sexual contacts of the past while…Jan 20, 2021Jan 20, 2021